National Design Research Forum and The Institution of Engineers (India) has jointly conducted 47th All India Project Design Competition on August 2016. They invited innovative ideas from the students that could modernize the Technical sector. Around 800 Projects design were received by IEI from all over India. The participants included students from IIT, BITS, NIT, as well as other Engineering colleges. They categorized 14 areas from various field.
In the Electronics & Telecommunication area, our student Mr.S. Rengaprakash final year EEE student under the guidance of Dr.S. Vijayalakshmi won the Gold medal out of 80 Project design for the project titled “DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF FAST RUNNING FILTER USING FPGA”. He received his Gold medal at Pune in the event of 24th IEI convocation on October 23rd, 2016.
Shri.S.Ravindran, Secretary, Prof. V.Nagarajan Director, Dr. D.Valavan Principal, Dr. S.M. Girirajkumar Professor & Head EEE department congratulated Mr.S. Rengaprakash for his great efforts and achievements.